Felttest: PV-moduler

En virkelig sammenligning mellem mono, poly, PERC og dual PV-moduler.

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Installationsdato: 09-03-2020

* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.

Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh


Sejl væk i komfort

Motorbåde er ingeniørmæssige mesterværker. De pakker al komforten fra hjemmet ind i kompakt yacht. Uanset hvor du sejler hen, så skal du selvfølgelig kunne nyde denne hårdt optjente luksus til fulde. Victron giver dig et intelligent netværk, der tilpasser sig de udfordringer, du måtte sejle ind i. Så du skal blot læne dig tilbage på dækket.

Hvor meget energi har du brug for på din sejltur?

Uanset om du tager familien med på øhop i en weekend, eller om du kaster anker i en smuk bugt i en uge, så er det din ferie, og du kan gøre lige dét, der passer dig. Det betyder, at den optimale energiløsning vil variere fra yacht til yacht og ejer til ejer. Med Victron kan du sejle gennem næsten alle planer, men som et eksempel har vi nedenfor illustreret en ’normal’ og ’tungere’ energiprofil for ’gennemsnitlige’ motorbåde.

Lad os kaste et blik på din Optimale energiplan, der får det hele til at ske.


Hvor meget skal du bruge?

En motorbåd ville ikke være komplet uden en masse elektrisk udstyr. Oftest kan båden klares sig med jævnstrøm i sin normale drifts, mens større (husholdnings) udstyr bruger vekselstrøm. Hvor meget energi bliver det til? Se ikke kun på Watt. En mikroovn bruger måske 1000 Watt, men kun i 4 minutter. Et kølefryseskab bruger måske kun 100 Watt, men det er i stedet tændt 24 timer i døgnet.

Som inspiration har vi fremhævet 2 systemeksempler baseret på ’normal’ og ’tungere’ brug.

2,4 - 4,8 kWh/dag

’Normal’ og ’tungere’ energiforbrugsprofiler. Læs mere

Læs mere

Eksempel 1

Mikroovnen bruger 1000 W/time, men er kun tændt i 4 minutter.
1000W / 60 x 4 = 0.067 kWh / day

Eksempel 2

Kølefryseskabet bruger 84 W i en time, men er tændt hele dagen (og køler normalt på den pågældende dag).
84 W x 24 timer/2 = 1 kWh/dag

Opbevaring & konvertering

Hvor meget energi bør opbevares?

En motorbåd har brug for god energiopbevaring og kraftfuld konvertering til 230V. Opladning af en batteribank fra motoren betyder, at du ikke behøver at tænde for den larmende generator, når du kaster anker off-shore for natten. Idet du ikke behøver at flytte dig i løbet af de næste par dage, så bør dit hjemmebatteri have rigeligt med kapacitet. Som en tommelfingerregel beregner vi energiforbrug med 48 timer om bord uden kyst/motor/generator/solenergi.

x 2

Opbevaringskapaciteten på et Lithium-batteri bør være to gange det daglige energiforbrug.

x 4

Grundet dens mindre afladningskapacitet, bør opbevaringskapaciteten af en blybatteri være fire gange højere end det daglige energiforbrug.


Inverteren/inverterne bør være store nok til at håndtere den gennemsnitlige belastning kontinuerligt og bør matche det forventede energi-peak af belastningerne, hvilket vores invertere håndterer fint (gennemsnit er 2 gange deres kontinuerlige spænding).


Hvor kommer energien fra?

Al energi skal genereres på den ene eller anden måde. Victron lader dig kombinere flere kilder til ét regelmæssigt energiflow. På marinaen kobler du blot til stikket på kajen. Ude på vandet kan du bruge en (yderligere) generator på bådens motor. Eller slå generatoren til, hvis du allerede har lagt til kajen. Til sidst kan du installere solceller på taget for gratis og grøn energi.


33A - 40A(Eller højere, afhængig af batterikapacitet)
2x 50A - 80A(Motorafhængig)

Power profile

Normal og tungere energiprofiler i kWh baseret på det daglige energiforbrug, hvilket bør være i balance med dannelsen.

Opbevaringsbatterier i Ah, dobbelt så stor en kapacitet ved hjælp af blybatterier.

Det ser ud som om din browser ikke understøtter de seneste teknologier, der er nødvendige for at se denne sektion. Overvej at bruge en moderne browser.

System diagram

Til et lithium- og blysyrebatteri baseret system

Hvordan kan denne energiprofil oversættes til et robust system?



Everything you would expect in a home can also be found on a motor cruiser. All these devices need AC to run. Think of:

  • Entertainment suite
  • Television(s)
  • Laptop(s)
  • Phone chargers
  • Fridge and freezer
  • Coffeemaker
  • Breadmaker
  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave
  • Mixer
  • Wine cooler
  • Washing machine


The Cyrix BatteryCombiner is the only safe way to connect the house battery to the starter battery (to start your boat’s engines). With a BatteryCombiner you can charge the house battery from the alternator without running the risk of draining the starter battery (which always should be ready to go). When other sources of power are available (eg. shore/solar/generator power), the Cyrix BatteryCombiner will allow bi-directional charging from the house battery to the starter battery.

When the Voltages of the starter and house batteries are the same, use a Cyrix: its current rating should be equal or bigger than the current rating of the alternator.

If the house battery is Lithium and the alternators Amperage is smaller than the house battery, or when the Voltages of the starter and house battery are different: use a DC-DC converter or Buck-Boost.

Battery Management Systems

Battery management systems take excellent care of Lithium batteries, protecting the individual cells of LiFePO4 batteries against over voltage, under voltage and over temperature and will shut down or reduce charging (VE.Bus products only) or disconnect the loads when this occurs.

Victron Energy offers several BMS options, in general the VE.Bus BMS and smallBMS signal separate devices to disconnect the charging (Inverter/Chargers, Cyrix-Li, DC-DC chargers) or disconnect the loads (BatteryProtect, Inverter/Charger), the modular Lynx distribution system features the Lynx BMS and other modules for more control over the DC busbar. For vehicles and boats all-in-one functionalities are available in the Smart BMS versions for Victron Lithium batteries, but also include current limiting to protect the alternator from overheating and BatteryProtect-like functionality to shut down the loads when pre-set critical battery conditions are met.

Victron Energy also offers full flexibility when it comes to selecting a third-party off-grid battery bank (and their BMS) of choice. A large number of well supported Lithium battery manufacturers can be easily integrated through the use of a mandatory GX-device. This flexibility enables our customers to perfectly match their off-grid needs for their unique power situation. When working with unsupported brands, a Victron Energy Battery Monitor is required to pass on accurate state of charge readings to the wider system.

Se hele vores system til batteristyring


Discharging your battery too far will damage it. Adding a Victron BatteryProtect will disconnect the boat’s electronics when the battery voltage drops below a pre-set level. It will also automatically reconnect everything when the battery is sufficiently recharged.

There is more to a Victron BatteryProtect. The built-in shutdown delay ensures that vital electronics aren’t disconnected in error, i.e. when starting the engine causes a short drop in battery voltage.


En batterimonitor er som en "måler på brændstoffet" for dit batteri. Den registrerer, hvor meget strøm der forbruges og oplades. Batterimonitoren beregner ladetilstanden, resterende kapacitet og tid til opladning. Batterispændingen giver ikke en nøjagtig indikation af, hvor fyldt batteriet er (især ikke under belastning). En batterimonitor gør.

Victron Energy batterimonitorer holder styr på historiske data, såsom antallet af opladningscyklusser, dybeste afladning, højeste spænding, laveste spænding og meget mere. Den vil advare dig om kritiske forhold såsom lav spænding eller lav opladning - og kan endda lukke for hele strømforsyningen for at undgå dyre skader af batteri eller starte en generator.

Victron tilbyder batterimonitorer med eller uden display, Smart-versioner giver dig mulighed for at spore de detaljerede data og justere indstillinger i vores gratis VictronConnect-app.

De fleste lithiumsystemer kræver et batteristyringssystem, som kan give batterioplysninger til det større system. På denne rute kan en batterimonitor blive overflødig. Se batteristyringssystemet for at få flere oplysninger Se alle vores batterimonitorer

Boat Network

Keeping grips on all the systems on board can be a hassle. The solution: tie everything together in a single boat network using NMEA communication standards. Your boat network can include navigation equipment, tank senders, battery monitoring and much more. The status information can trigger alarms and shutdowns, adding to the safety on board. The Cerbo GX now supports the NMEA2000 out protocol, allowing you to monitor your boat’s network of systems from wherever you are.

Boat engines

Motor cruisers have one or two diesel engines to get from harbour to horizon. The engines are designed to run continuously, for days on end. They also come with high-output alternators to charge the engine batteries, drive fuel pumps, etc.

Once the starter batteries are recharged, the engines can also power the boat electrics and recharge the house battery. On motor cruiser you’ll find power hungry DC equipment such as anchor windlasses and bow thrusters. The engines have to be running before you can use them.

Boat Electronics

A motor cruiser is packed with dozens of electrical devices. These are all connected to the house battery. Think of:

  • Boat control panel
  • Log/depth sounder
  • Chart-plotter
  • Navigation / GPS
  • Navtex
  • Auto pilot
  • All-band Radio
  • Satellite comms
  • Maritime traffic identification systems
  • Navigation lights
  • Pumps
  • Windlass
  • Bow thruster
  • Fridge and freezer
  • Air conditioning
  • Blowers
  • Interior lighting
  • Music player


The Buck-Boost converter is used in dual battery systems, where the (smart) alternator and the start battery are used to charge the service battery (of equal or different voltages). The Buck-boost can be used in 12V or 24V systems and is suitable for both lead acid and lithium batteries.

Charging lithium batteries from the alternator

Alternators cannot be connected directly to most lithium batteries. A lithium battery will draw more current than the alternator can supply, which may result in alternator damage. A Buck-Boost DC/DC converter solves this problem: it acts as a current limiter between the alternator and the battery.

How to select a Buck-Boost? The current rating of the DC/DC converter has to be less than the alternator’s current rating. For example: pair a 50 Amps converter with a 60 Amps alternator. In the software the ideal throughput can be defined.

When the charging capacity exceeds the limits of the Buck-Boost, consider working with DC-DC generator(s) sized to the capacity of the battery bank.

Cerbo GX

The Victron Cerbo GX is the communication-centre of your boat’s installation, allowing you to always have perfect control from wherever you are and maximises its performance. Simply connect through our Victron Remote Management (VRM) portal, or access directly, using the optional GX Touch 50 screen, a Multi Functional Display or our VictronConnect app thanks to its added Bluetooth capability.

The Victron Cerbo GX is an easy to use visual system. Instantly monitor the battery state of charge, power consumption, power harvest from PV, generator, and mains, or check tank levels and temperature measurements. Easily control the shore power input current limit, (auto)start/stop generator(s) or even set quiet periods to avoid starting the generator in the middle of the night. Change any setting to optimise the system, follow up on alerts, perform diagnostic checks and resolve challenges remotely. The Cerbo GX turns any power challenge into an effortless experience.

Galvanic Isolator

A galvanic isolator prevents electrolytic corrosion. The isolator is mounted directly behind the shore power connector on board. It blocks DC currents that might leak through the shore power earth terminal. These currents can cause corrosion to all metal parts under water, like the hull, propeller, shaft, etc. The galvanic isolator should have the same power rating as the incoming shore power.

It’s a misunderstanding that galvanic corrosion occurs only in metal and aluminium hulls. In fact it can occur on any boat as soon as a metallic part (the shaft and propeller) is in contact with water. Galvanic corrosion will quickly dissolve your sacrificial anodes, and attack the shaft, propeller and other metal parts in contact with water as soon as the boat is connected to the shore-side supply. It might therefore be tempting not to connect the ground conductor: this is however extremely dangerous because Ground Fault Current Interrupters will not work nor will a fuse blow in case of a short circuit to a metal part on the boat.

The safe option is to use a Galvanic Isolator for non-metal smaller boats, or use an isolation transformer for metal boats or boats with bigger systems.


The generator provides energy when shore power is not available and the boat’s engines aren’t running (or can’t supply enough power to meet the demand). The generator is usually supplemented with a inverter/charger and a battery bank. The batteries act as a backup and allow for quiet periods at night.

Thanks to Victron’s PowerAssist, the generator doesn’t have to be sized for the maximum load. You can use a smaller generator which is cheaper to install, uses less fuel and produces less noise. The inverter automatically bridges the potential gap between supply and demand with support of the battery bank.

GX 4G moduler

Et GX 4G-modul tilføjer mobil internetforbindelse til dit Victron Energy-system. Når dit system er inden for rækkevidde af et 4G-netværk, sender det data til VRM-webstedet, og du kan overvåge systemet fra din smartphone. Modulet tilføjer GPS-sporing, registrerer dine ture og opsætter et geo-hegn omkring installationen. Du får en advarsel via mail, når systemet kører uden for geo-hegnområdet.

Victron Energy tilbyder flere 4G moduler og GlobalLink 520-modemet, som fungerer uden månedlige gebyrer eller abonnementer, i de første fem år og flere 4G-moduler. Se vores 4G modems Se vores GlobalLink 520

GX GSM Dongle

The Victron GX GSM is a 3G cellular modem that enables GX devices with mobile internet for the system and connection to the VRM Portal, allowing you to monitor your system from remote. When the boat is in range of a 3G network, it will send data to the VRM website and you can monitor the boat from your smartphone. The GSM module adds tracking the boat, recording your trips and putting up a geo-fence around the boat. You will get an alert via mail when the boat travels outside the geo-fence area.

GX Touch

Victron Energy Cerbo GX er kommunikationscentret for din systeminstallation, der giver dig mulighed for altid at have fuld kontrol, uanset hvor du er, og maksimerer dens ydeevne. Den valgfrie GX Touch 50 er en ledsager til Cerbo GX, dens fem tommer touchskærm giver et øjeblikkeligt overblik over dit system og giver dig mulighed for at justere indstillinger på et øjeblik.

Overvåg øjeblikkeligt batteriets opladningstilstand, energiforbrug, energiudvinding fra PV, generator og hovedledning, eller kontroller tankniveauer og temperaturmålinger. Styr nemt strømgrænsen for landstrøm, (auto)start/stop generator(er) eller indstil endda stille perioder for at undgå at starte generatoren midt om natten. Skift enhver indstilling for at optimere systemet, følge op på advarsler, udføre diagnostiske kontroller og løse udfordringer eksternt med den gratis Victron fjernstyringsportal (VRM).

Cerbo GX er et visuelt system der er nemt at anvende og forvandler enhver kraftudfordring til en ubesværet oplevelse. Du skal blot oprette forbindelse via vores portal for Victron fjernadministration (VRM), eller få adgang direkte ved hjælp af GX Touch 50, en MFD eller vores VictronConnect-app takket være den ekstra Bluetooth-funktion.

House battery

The house battery stores power for the boat’s electrical system. Motor cruisers typically have large power demands and the house battery should have a generous capacity.

For a house battery you can choose from two types: lead-acid and lithium. There are various reasons to favour one over the other. Here are a few common ones:

  • Choose Lead-Acid when:
  • Use occasionally
  • Lower purchase cost
  • Weight and space are not an issue
  • Normal charging
  • Choose Lithium when:
  • Use daily
  • Lower cost per cycle
  • Weight and space considerations
  • Fast charging

House battery

The house battery stores power for the boat’s electrical system. Motor cruisers typically have large power demands and the house battery should have a generous capacity.

For a house battery you can choose from two types: lead-acid and lithium. There are various reasons to favour one over the other. Here are a few common ones:

  • Choose Lead-Acid when:
  • Use occasionally
  • Lower purchase cost
  • Weight and space are not an issue
  • Normal charging
  • Choose Lithium when:
  • Use daily
  • Lower cost per cycle
  • Weight and space considerations
  • Fast charging


On motor cruisers you’ll need an intelligent inverter/charger that automatically switches between various sources to cater for all power needs.

In the marina shore power will be used to feed the boat’s AC grid and charge the batteries. When no shore power is available, the batteries will power both the DC and the AC grid. Power can be drawn from the boat’s engines while sailing. If the power demand gets too high or the batteries get low, the generator will kick in to power the load and charge the batteries.

  • Victron inverter/chargers come with a handful of outstanding features:
  • PowerControl: automatically manage battery charging to prevent an overload of the generator or shore power.
  • PowerAssist: uses the battery as a buffer to assist the shore power during peak power demand.
  • Perfect power: even sensitive devices run flawlessly on the pure sine wave power.
  • High peak-power: use motorised equipment without overheating.
  • Low self consumption.

Thanks to PowerAssist, the generator doesn’t have to be sized for the maximum load. You can use a smaller generator which is cheaper to install, uses less fuel and produces less noise.

If you don’t have a generator on board, a Multiplus is all you need. With a generator on board a Quattro is the better choice.

We strongly recommend 24 Volts for new boats. The higher voltage is simply a better choice when it comes to meeting the power demands of a motor cruiser. If your boat’s system is based on 12 Volts, select a 12 Volts unit instead. If you have dissimilar battery banks, consider charging them using a DC-DC converter, or have it power several dissimilar appliances with a different voltage than the house battery.

Generally speaking, a 3 kVA unit will be big enough, unless the power consumption is higher than average. For example: when you have an air conditioner on board. If this is the case, choose a 5 kVA unit.

MFD GX integration

The Victron integration between our GX range and several leading Multi Functional Display manufacturer brands enables you to easily connect an MDF to the heart of your power system such as the Cerbo GX, or the GX enabled MultiPlus-II GX. Once connected you can easily monitor and control your boat’s power system, right on your Glass Bridge.

Shore Power

Usually shore power is available in the marina; it is used to run large AC equipment on board and recharge the batteries. Larger boats need a three phase supply. Sometimes shore power can’t provide enough power to cater for the total AC load of the boat. It might also just be single phase.

Often shore power is limited in how much power you can draw, i.e. just 10 Amps. Berths with higher ratings might not always be available. Victron inverter/chargers allow you set a maximum shore power current. Now you can charge your batteries and turn on any equipment without blowing a fuse. Thanks to Victron’s PowerAssist, the generator and batteries can automatically bridge the gap between supply and demand.

Sometimes shore power is less than perfect. You might run into voltage drops if you’re at the far end of the harbour. There could also be power surges, which could harm sensitive equipment on board. Victron’s inverter/chargers smooth out these problems and turn bad power into perfect power.

Solar charger

Solar panels won’t be able to cover all the power needed, but they can reduce the running time of the generator and fuel costs.

A solar charger - also called MPPT controller, harvests the power from the solar panels to charge the house battery. Solar chargers have the same charging cycles as our regular, fully automatic, battery chargers. When your boat is moored without shore spower, solar power is a great way to keep the batteries charged.

In a marine environment, the performance of solar panels changes constantly. Victron’s solar controllers use ultra fast maximum power point tracking to squeeze up to 30% more power out of your panels.

See our Solar Calculator to size the solar panels and select a MPPT charger

Solar panels

Solar panels won’t be able to cover all the power needed, but they can reduce the running time of the generator and fuel costs. Victron offers a wide range of highly efficient solar panels that are just perfect for marine use.

Starter Battery

The starter battery is needed to start your boat’s engines. These batteries are different from house batteries and engineered to deal with a large discharge current. The starter batteries should be ready to go. Always use a BatteryCombiner to connect the starter batteries to the rest of the electrical system; it prevents an accidental drain of power.

GX Touch

The GX Touch 50 display allows you to have an instant overview of your system and adjust settings in the blink of an eye. Simply connected to the Cerbo GX with one cable, its super slim 5 inch waterproof design and its top-mountable setup bring a lot of flexibility when creating a crisp and clean dashboard.


All Victron products on your boat can be monitored and controlled from the palm of your hand. Just connect the VictronConnect App via Bluetooth and you’ll have direct access to values like battery voltage and current. You can also turn devices on or off, as well as change their settings.

See what the VictronConnect app can do

Lynx Distributor

The Lynx Distributor is a modular DC busbar, with locations for four DC fuses. It will monitor the status of each fuse, and indicate its condition with a LED on the front. When connected to a Lynx Smart BMS or Lynx Shunt, the status of the fuses will be visible in VictronConnect and VRM (when the Lynx Smart BMS is connected to a GX-device).

Multiple Lynx Distributors can be used to connect all the DC-loads and charge sources on one side of the BMS, on the other side, a Lynx Power In (without fuses) or another Lynx Distributor (with fuses) can be used to connect the battery bank to the modular busbar.

Lynx Distribution system

This product is part of the modular Lynx busbar system that also provides the Lynx Smart BMS, a dedicated Battery Management System for Victron Lithium Smart Batteries (for non Victron Lithium batteries, use the Lynx Shunt).

Se alle Lynx-moduler

VRM - Victron Remote Management (Victron fjernstyring)

Overvåg og administrer

Overvåg, administrer og optimer dine Victron Energy-systemer eksternt, og fang potentielle problemer tidligt ved at indstille varslinger og alarmer. Med VRM har du altid perfekt kontrol, uanset hvor du er.

VRM virker med en GX-enhed såsom Cerbo GX med internetforbindelse, GlobalLink 520 eller GSM LTE 4G til mindre systemer.


Overvåg batteriets ladetilstand, forbrug af strøm, strømhøst fra sol, generator og lysnettet i realtid. Optimer energihøsten og -forbruget med historiegrafer og detaljerede analytiske rapporter. Fang potentielle problemer tidligt ved at indstille advarsler og følge op på alarmer for at forhindre definitiv systemfejl.


Styr nemt strømgrænsen for landstrøm, (auto)start/stop generator(er) eller indstil endda stille perioder for at undgå at starte generatoren midt om natten. Med VRM kan du ændre enhver indstilling, følge op på alarmer, udføre diagnostiske kontroller og løse udfordringer, uanset hvor du er.

Se alle vores GX-enheder

Lynx Smart BMS

Lynx Smart BMS er et dedikeret batteristyringssystem til Victron Lithium Smart Batterier (til andre batterier end Victron, se nedenfor). Der er flere BMS-er tilgængelige til vores Smart Lithium-batterier, og Lynx Smart er den mest funktionsrige og komplette mulighed. Dens hovedfunktioner er:

  • Indbygget 500 A kontaktor, bruges som en sikkerhedsmekanisme og er også egnet til en fjernstyret hovedkontakt til systemet.
  • Batteriovervågning der viser opladningsprocentdel og andre detaljer.
  • Før-alarm signal: giver en advarsel inden systemet lukker ned på grund af for eksempel - en celle der er ved at løbe tør for strøm.
  • Bluetooth til brug med vores VictronConnect App til opsætning og overvågning.
  • Lokal og fjernovervågning med en Victron GX enhed, for eksempel Cerbo GX.


Det dedikerede system til batteristyring (BMS) beskytter lithiumbatterier mod dybe afladninger, overopladning og høje temperaturer. Når kritiske værdier overskrides, tager BMS handling med det samme: belastninger afbrydes fysisk i tilfælde af en dyb afladning, og opladningen stoppes, når der er risiko for overopladning. Høje temperaturer udløser øjeblikkelig afslutning på både opladning og afladning.


Overvågning af batteri er indbygget i Lynx Smart BMS; ingen separat batterimonitor er nødvendig. Med Bluetooth kan batterierne overvåges med VictronConnect, når de er sluttet til en GX-enhed, også med VRM, vores fjernstyringsløsning.

Lynx fordelingssystem

Dette produkt er en del af det modulære Lynx busbar-system, der også leverer Lynx-fordeleren, som er en modulær DC-busbar, der indeholder 4 DC-sikringer og overvåger deres status i VictronConnect og VRM og andre DC forbindelser til at håndtere fordeling, sikring, batteriovervågning og/eller styring af Lithium batterier.

Andre batterier end Victron Lithium

Lynx busbar systemet kan også bruges til DC-fordeling og overvågning af andre batterier end Victron Lithium batterier. I det tilfælde udskiftes Lynx Smart BMS med Lynx Shunt VE.Can til overvågning af et andet batteri. Se alle Lynx-moduler


Energiforbrug vil variere fra yacht til yacht og ejer til ejer. Den Optimale energiplan bør altid designes med bådens specifikationer i tankerne. Uanset hvad, så har du her to eksempler til at starte ud med - en med et normalt og et tungere dagligt energiforbrug - for optimal energi til en motorbåd.

Bemærk venligst de mange faktorer, der kommer i spil, når du designer og installerer din optimale løsning: din Victron Professional vil gladeligt hjælpe dig med det.

For at se denne detaljerede tabel og hele afsnittet ordentligt skal du overveje at bruge en moderne browser.

Motorbåd fra 33 - 46 ft
4 personer
Samme båd, men brugt mere intenst: længere væk hjemmefra, mere komfort, udstyr og flere personer om bord.
Dagligt energiforbrug
2,4 kWh
4,8 kWh
Total styrke batterier og generator
± 8 kVA
± 10 kVA
Peak styrke batterier og generator
± 16 kVA
± 20 kVA
Peak styrke Kun batterier
± 6 kVA
± 10 kVA
Opbevaring og invertering
Victron Quattro
100 A
220 A
2x 220 Ah 12 V
eller 4 x 165 Ah 12 V AGM
4x 220 Ah 12 V AGM
eller 25,6 V/200 Ah Lithium
Lithium: Lynx Smart BMS
Cyrix 120 A (genertor afhængig)
2x Cyrix 120 A (generator afhængig)
og til Lithium: 2x Buck-Boost 100 A (/24 V = 50 A) når generatoren er litiumsikker, eller juster forstærkerne til sikker zone for normal generator.
DC busbar
3x Lynx-fordeler
2x 80 A (24 V)
2x 80 A (24 V)
Landstrømsklasse 230 V
16 A
1x16 A
eller 1x25 A
Galvanisk isolator
16 A (ikke-metalbåde)
eller isolationstransformator 3600 W (metalbåde eller større systemer)
16 A eller 32 A (ikke-metalbåde)
eller isolationstransformator 3600 W eller 7000 W (metalbåde eller større systemer)
5 kVa
ikke vigtigt for denne profil
5 kVa
±640 W
±640 W
ideelt mere hvis det er muligt
Solar Charger
(Smart) MPPT 100/35
Juster efter kombineret panelspænding
BMV-712 Smart
Lynx Smart BMS
Tilgængelige udvidelser
Cerbo GX og GX Touch 50
Cerbo GX og GX Touch 50
GX GSM-modul
GX GSM-modul
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Vores veletablerede, globale netværk af lokale Victron Professionals er dedikeret til at hjælpe med at finde en optimal løsning til din udfordring.

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Hos Victron finder vi det essentielt, at kunderne betjenes og støttes hurtigt og kompetent. Derfor er vores globale netværk af Victron Professionals udstyret med det højeste niveau af teknisk know-how, og de er dedikerede til at levere reparationer så hurtigt som muligt.

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